Help us Phonebank for Candace Valenzuela

Join us on Wednesday, August 12th at 6:00 PM for a phonebank to elect Candace Valenzuela to Congress. We will be joined by members of Candace’s team as well as volunteers in both Dallas and Tarrant County. You can RSVP here!

Polls are showing a close race between Candace and her GOP opponent Beth Van Duyne. Cook Political has this race ranked as a tossup. Candace Valenzuela leads Beth Van Duyne 47% to 41% and this district also shows Biden leading Trump 49% to 44%. This is why it will be critically important to get every Democratic voter out to vote.

This is why I will be co-hosting candidate phonebanks in addition to our regularly scheduled phonebanks in SD9. It was a promise I made when I got elected to be your SD9 SDEC Committeeman and I will continue to be much more visible than my predecessor in every part of the Senate District. SD9 is surrounded by Democratic Senate Districts and has a great shot at flipping in 2022 - Be part of a winning team that sets up that foundation. We will be defending hard fought Democratic districts within SD9 and winning over new ones.

Phone Bank for Candace Valenzuela for Congress with Steve Ruiz, SD9 SDEC Committeeman

When: Wednesday, August 12th at 6 PM - Virtual Event

We will be meeting by Zoom initially to talk about the phonebank and train individuals. Then we will begin making calls. I will be on the Zoom the whole time to answer any questions. RSVP here!

Reaching out to voters during a pandemic is not easy but our phonebanks are very straight forward. We just contact Democrats. If you would like us to help set up a phonebank in your neighborhood or if you would like to see us host a phonebank with a candidate in your district, please let us know. As long as it is in SD9, I am here to help.

Contact me at or 469-774-3904


Steve Ruiz


Inspired by the Convention? Get Active!


First round of Phone banks Set up to Update Voter Registration Address